Preaching in Wyoming

In April, after attending Orientation at the AFM office, I was invited to preach in my home church in Wyoming. This church consists of 18 members in a town of 3,000 people. I have been away from this church for almost 10 years, but it is still the one I think of when I think of home.

Just before I stood to speak, I saw a good friend of mine enter the sanctuary. I knew he hadn’t been to church in years, and I was moved to tears to think that he had come specifically to hear me speak. I was impressed to change the focus of my sermon from foreign missions to sharing my personal testimony. Although I did mention our call to Benin, the focus of my message was Jesus and our need to draw close to Him and each other. As I closed, I made an appeal for all those present to unite together and work to bring others to Jesus.

The head elder called for a prayer of dedication on our behalf at the close of the service. He said they want to send us out as “their missionaries.” We were humbled by their genuine care for our family and our ministry.

A few weeks later, the church informed us that they wanted to support our family. In an act of faith, this tiny congregation contributed nearly $7,000 in launching funds and pledged to provide 10 percent of our ongoing monthly financial needs! We praise God for such loving kindness.

If you are in a small fellowship, do not be discouraged. God can use you in big ways to be a blessing to others and to build up His kingdom, even as my little church is advancing God’s work among the Otammari.

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