PNG Missionary Retreat

“Flight Attendants, prepare for landing,” the pilot’s voice came over the PA system. Our 13-plus-hour flight was finishing, and for the second time in our lives we were getting ready to land in Australia. The first time was 18 years ago when we were student missionaries on our way to Papua New Guinea. This time we weren’t going to get all the way to PNG. We were headed to the AFM retreat for PNG missionaries.

We were blessed to be able to spend 11 days in Australia with our field directors and AFM missionaries currently serving in PNG. We were also blessed to spend time with Marc Coleman, AFM International Field Director. We had meetings and planning sessions as well as special times set aside each day for prayer and worship.

Keren and I really enjoyed the opportunity to visit with the Ericksons as well as our teammates, David and Edie Hicks, and learn from them what things we should bring from America, and what things are available in-country.

We are still waiting for our paperwork to be finished, but we recently received word that our work permit and visas should be issued soon. We are excited that soon we will be returning to PNG as full-time missionaries!


Hi Keren & Orion, We all miss you and love you so much!!! We are awaiting that welcome message that your launching is complete! So glad you could attend this retreat and strengthen your AFM family bonds. Since we adopted a homeless couple a few months ago, we are incredibly busy and loving this soul rescue mission. When we showed them around, I opened the guest room door and exclaimed, “This is our missionary room!” Told them about our missionary friends who will soon be launched for an exciting ministry in Papua New Guinea. So we ALL look forward to your updates. We keep you enfolded in our hearts & prayers, entrusting you all to those beautiful Hands that were nailed to the Cross for all and to our Power-Filled Father God who delights in adoption! Love you & miss you, Gail and Buz, and our love-filled family of God

By Buz & Gail on August 08 2017, 11:55 am

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