Now is the Time

A few months ago, a group of teachers, lay-pastors and baptized students did a series of seven lectures presenting Jesus to our students. Then our student missionaries followed up with a program of object lessons, superb special-music performances and topics presented each morning and at weekly prayer meetings. We prayed for a spiritual awakening among the students; that they would catch fire and really grasp that now is the time to accept Christ and evangelize their people.

For the first time, we planned an old-fashioned altar call, and we trusted the Holy Spirit to do the rest. We translated “The Savior is Waiting” into Palawano, and the students really enjoyed learning it throughout the week.

On the last day, we had a team praying outside for the outpouring of the Spirit. Napthali had hardly begun the altar call before every student started coming forward. We were amazed at the spontaneous response.
We praise the Lord for how He is working in our schools, bringing students to Himself. Please keep sending up your prayers that these students will remain firm and not lose their zeal. —Leonda George

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