Reach the Ama for Jesus

The ringing of the phone broke the stillness of the morning as my mother-in-law hurried to answer it. A sweet, soft voice on the other end wanted to know if John and I could visit that morning. We climbed into the truck, bowed our heads and asked God for His guidance during our visit.

She was waiting at the door when we arrived and invited us in. As we began talking, she mentioned she had heard about our mission to the Ama people when we spoke at her church and had felt the Lord urging her to help. Weeks went by before the Lord once again spoke to her through the Sabbath School lesson: “If you feel deeply enriched in your own spiritual faith walk, resolve to step out in service as a mentor or support to others in your circle of friends, family, and faith community.” Once again, her heart was touched and she decided to act upon that still small voice. Not knowing if she would have enough each month for her bills, she took out her checkbook and pledged a monthly gift.

I sat there thinking about this dear lady whom God was using to strengthen my faith. What does it take to have that much faith in Jesus? I wondered. What would that kind of faith look like for me? I have found that when I open my heart and mind to a personal relationship with Jesus and give my all, faith becomes real.

Traveling to Papua New Guinea to reach the Ama for Jesus will take a giant step of faith. Also, we can’t do it on our own. If you want your faith to become real, too, step out with us and join our mission team. Together we can reach the Ama for Jesus.

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