Be Strong in the Lord

“Be strong, be strong, be strong in the Lord, and be of good courage, for He is your Guide.

Be strong, be strong, be strong in the Lord, and rejoice, for the victory is yours.”

I wish you could hear the beautiful Irish voices singing with conviction. These words are the chorus of a hymn entitled Be Strong in the Lord written by Linda Lee Johnson. This has become a theme song for the Friday-evening Scripture study group at one of the Irish projects. It truly is a pleasure to participate in this small group and be blessed by the time of singing and study.

The Scripture study groups are helping Irish people see the relevance of the Bible in their daily lives. It is exciting to hear them recount experiences of sharing with others in their communities. “I don’t mind if the younger generation choose not to be Catholics,” one lady told me recently. “What matters is that they come to know God and have a relationship with Him, and they can only do that by knowing what the Bible teaches.”

Many people are making return visits to our center of influence shop in another part of Ireland. Patrick and Bridget Dysert are giving Bible studies. We praise God for the hope people are finding as they read the publications offered in the shop and receive advice on how to live healthier lives.

The words of Be Strong in the Lord are also appropriate as we begin a new year, anticipating how God will expand His kingdom in the territories we serve. The song includes the words, “Trust Him for He will be with you in battle, lighting your path to avoid every snare.” We thank God that Satan is a defeated foe, but our missionaries need your prayers as they press forward. Join us in praying that many lost people will come out of spiritual darkness into God’s wonderful light during 2017.

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